Haiku der Woche 21
Madoka Mayuzumi, Haiku-Dichterin und Haiku-Erklärerin, schreibt: „The Japanese people are sometimes thought of as being vague and unable to say ‚no‘. But this is not entirely accurate. It is not that we cannot say ‚no‘ but that we do not need to say it. It is simply hinted, and the hint is understood. People can read ‚between the lines‘ of short utterances and guess what the other person is trying to say. Japanese culture is thus a ‚sympathetic’ one, and the ultimate manifestation of this phenomenon is the haiku. The succinct form of the haiku leaves plenty of space for what was left unsaid. There is an eloquence to this silence, and it is this quality that characterizes many aspects of Japanese culture.“
Auch das folgende Haiku von Takayama Kyoshi (1874 – 1959) – eines von 50.000 Haiku des nicht unumstrittenen Dichters – lebt vom Unausgesprochenen:
wird lauter, immer lauter –
und verstummt plötzlich